Extrinsic Motivation
Ryan and Deci are the two principle researchers in this field, and they tell us that intrinsic motivation is the self-desire to seek out new things and new challenges, to analyze one’s capacity, to observe and to gain knowledge. It is driven by an interest or enjoyment in the task itself, and…
Why The Science of Learning?
The Science of Learning is a blend of scientific knowledge. There is a wealth of scientific knowledge that has been accumulated about how people learn. The knowledge is spread across a number of disciplines and is brought together under the umbrella term The Science of Learning. The Science of Learning is the…
Critical Thinking, Critical Analysis, and Critique – Same or Different?
Unfortunately, for many naïve teachers and students, these three things are thought of as the same thing. They are not. They are two different things (two of these things are closely related – one of these things just doesn’t belong). I can’t tell you how many scholarship applications that I have read…
Cognitive Enablers, Both Concrete and Abstract
Cognitive enablers are tools that we acquire through formal education – at least they should be. They are generic in nature and are not really linked to any particular job or occupation, but which lie at the heart (or should) of what we do as teachers. There are concrete cognitive enablers and…